A Review of K-12 AI Literacy Curricula

Randi Williams, Cynthia Breazeal · Personal Robots Group, MIT Media Lab

Over the past several years, there has been an increase in research about K-12 AI literacy curricula to prepare the next generation to participate in the future. However, there is little alignment from researchers on what to teach students or how to evaluate that learning. In this work, we examined 64 peer-reviewed articles on K-12 AI literacy curricula to catalog their approach to assessing students’ AI knowledge and perspectives.


Selection Criteria

Here's how we found so many

Assessing Concepts and Practices

Overview of this section

Summative Assessments

Awesome table with pictures and information.

Formative Assessments

Awesome table with pictures and information

Assessing Perspectives

Overview of this section

Awesome table with pictures and information.


Here are all the things we learned.